Friday, April 2, 2010

Richard Bandler Explains What NLP is About

Click on this link to watch Richard Bandler explain what NLP is about

"Neuro-linguistic Programming came out of the work that I did, modelling the way people thought.

What we did was so unique. When I started out, there were forty schools of psychotherapy. All arguing about who had the right approach, when none of them could reliably do a single thing. They couldn’t fix phobias, they couldn’t do this, they couldn’t do that. Every once in a while, they were successful but most of the time they were so busy arguing about their theories.

What I started looking at was the natural process by which people make mental changes. We looked at the neurological configurations. We looked at the linguistic structures that are hard wired in the mind, and found out about how people learn. And so that people could be able, just like when you program a computer, program yourself, to be able to do things.

We can reliably get rid of a phobia in ten minutes, every single time because we found out not by studying people that had phobias but by studying people who had gotten over phobias, and finding out how they did it. What they did at the neurological level and at the subjective level.

Neuro-linguistic Programming is the study of the structure of subjectivity. The way in which we make pictures, where they are located, how big they are. Where we locate our voices, and how we alter our feelings, of what I call emotional states. Whether they rotate this way, or this way.

All of those little details give you a set of tools, that by which people can make absolutely profound changes easily and quickly."

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